Sweet Pepper

Sweet pepper for open field cultivation
Fruit color: green/yellow. Fruit size: 8.5 x 8.2 cm. Fruit weight: 210 gr. Resistances: PVY, Bacteria wilt.
Bell pepper F.1 for open field cultivation
Fruit color: yellow. Fruit size: 9 x 8.7 cm, large size. Fruit weight: 200gr. Shape: bell. Uniform maturity, good shelf life. Relative maturity days from sowing: 110. Flesh thickness: 0.6 cm. Number of lobes: mostly 4. Resistance: PVY.
Blocky type sweet pepper for open field for trellising cultivation
Blocky shape, thick flesh, weights about 180 gr. and turns from green to red color. Possible harvesting in long term basis and outstanding keeping quality. Best to grow in spring for easy harvest.
Hybrid F.1 sweet pepper
Yellow blocky pepper selected for its excellent characteristics. This fruit type yellow square presents considerable size (11x13 cm) thick flesh 10 mm and weight that can reach up to 500 gr. Tolerant to handling and transport. This plant is hardy and vigorous with upright habit, large and good foliage cover that prevents any scalding phenomenon. Medium-early maturing and contemporary cycle. Good behavior even under shelter. Has resistance Tobamovirus (Tm:0-3).
Orange sweet pepper for trellising cultivation
Fruit size: 9.1x8.9 cm. Weight: 210 gr. Maturity time: 113 days from sowing. Bell shape. 3-4 lobes. Flesh thickness: 0.5 cm. Charming look. Resistances: PVY, TMV.
Greenhouse lamuyo pepper
Lamuyo type. Color: green to red. Thick walls, strong plant. Resistances: L4, TSWV.
Orange blocky sweet pepper F.1 for trellising cultivation
Bell shape. Fruit color: dark green turning into orange at maturity. Fruit size: 9.5 x 8 cm. Weight: 220 gr. Flesh thickness: 0.65 cm. Good for shipping and storage. 113 days from sowing time. Optimal temperature: 20-30°C. Resistance: Bacterial wilt; medium tolerance to PVY.
Blocky sweet pepper
Compact and strong plant, productive. Fruit color: red. Weight: L-XL. Resistances: L4- TSWV.
Hybrid F1 sweet pepper
Strong plant, good leaf cover. Fruit color: green to red. Fruit weight: 180-200 gr. Relative maturity: medium. Fruit size: 8 cm in length, 7.5 cm wide. Fruit has medium- thick flesh, good flavor. Resistances: high resistance to TSWV, L3.
Sweet pepper for open field and tunnel cultivations
Type: deep blocky. Tall, vigorous and smooth plant with thick walls. Fruit color: Red. Approximate size: Large to extra-large. Resistances: HR: Xcv 1-5 . Early production of marketable fruit to capture higher prices. Provides steady production of extra-large quality fruit. Very high yield.
Yellow blocky pepper. F.1
American type. Yellow blocky pepper for greenhouse cultivation. Resistant to TSWV, Tm 0. Fruit size: 8 * 8 cm.
Plant: High plant. Relative maturity: Medium Fruit weight: M-L. Skin color: Yellow color Disease resistance: L4
Hybrid F1 Blocky sweet pepper
High plant. Relative maturity: Medium-early Fruit weight: Large. Skin color: Yellow Disease resistance: L4
Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type..
Plants are medium in maturity, tall and a little sprawling with large green leaves, vigorous, resistant to TM. Can be harvested 55 days from transplanting. Fruit has elongated bell shape with very sweet and juicy flesh. Its green color turns into red when matures. Fruit size is 15 cm in length and 7.5 cm in diameter and it weights around 230 gr.
Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type..
Plants are medium-early in maturity, tall, upright with thick stems and large leaves, very vigorous, resistant to TM. Can be harvested 50 days from transplanting. Very dependable fruit-set under both cool and warm weather. Fruit is mostly 3-4 lobes. Fruit has large long bell shape. Its dark green color turns into red when matures. Fruit size is 13 cm in length and 7 cm in diameter and it weights 200-250 gr.
Dolma pepper F.1
Fruit color: light green. Size: 8x8 cm. Resistances: TSWV, Xcv.
Dolma pepper
Strong, concentrated set, early production. Strong fruit setting ability. Provides high production of medium size quality fruit in a concentrated set. Fruit shape: dolma with thin walls. Color: light green. Size: Medium to large.
Sweet pepper for greenhouse
Dolma type, strong, vigorous plant, blocky with thin walls. Strong fruit setting ability. Fruit color: Light Green Approximate size: Medium to Large. Resistances: HR: Tm: 0-3 (L4) IR: TSWV. Early production of marketable fruit to capture higher prices. Provides steady production of medium size quality fruit through the season and to a strong finish.
Blocky Sweet pepper – Hybrid F1
Strong plant, good leaf cover which protects the fruit from sunburn. Relative maturity: can be harvested 80 days from planting. Fruit weight: 220-250 gr. Fruit size: 9 cm in length, 8 cm wide. Fruit color: green to red. Flesh: fruit with medium flesh and good flavor. Resistances: High tolerance to TSWV, L3.
Sweet pepper Hybrid F1 Blocky type.
Plant is early-medium in maturity. Small plants with very large leaves which protects the fruit from sunburn. Harvest 50 days from transplanting. Fruit weight: around 180-200 gr. Bell shaped with thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobes. Its green color turns into yellow. Resistant to TMV.
Hybrid F1 Blocky Sweet pepper
Plant is early-medium in maturity. Small plants with very large leaves which protects the fruit from sunburn. Relative maturity: Harvest 50 days from transplanting. Fruit weight: Around 180-200 gr. Fruit shape & size: Bell shaped with thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobes. Skin color: Green color turns into orange.
Sweet pepper, LAMUYO type
Fruit size: half long, 14x9cm. Fruit color: Red. Resistances: Xcv. For open field cultivation.
Hybrid F1 blocky type..
Plant type:plants with very large leaves,which protects the fruit from sunburn. Relative maturity:medium harvest 80 days from transplanting. Fruit weight:190gr. Fruit shape:blocky. Color:yellow. Disease resistance:L3,TSWV
Sweet pepper type LAMUYO
Fruit size: 14-18 cm. For open field cultivation.
Hybrid F1, Blocky type.
Fruit weight: around 180 gr.Color: bright green turns to a beautiful yellow shape at maturation.Disease resistance: TMV, TSWV, L3
Hybrid F1, Blocky type.
Fruit weight: around 180-220 gr.Color: green turns red at maturation.Disease resistance: TSWV, L3, TMV
Greenhouse blocky pepper
Blocky green to red sweet pepper, thick walls. Strong, smooth, and vigorous plant of excellent quality. Approximate size: large to extra-large. Resistances: HR: L4, Xcv: 1-3, Tm: 0-3 IR: TSWV. Early production of marketable fruit to capture higher prices. Provides steady production of extra-large premium quality fruit through the season and to a strong finish. Fruit with great shelf life; strong against pitting and micro-cracking; very desirable for retail market.
Hybrid F1, Sweet pepper.
Plant, is early in maturity, harvest 60 days from transplanting.Fruit weight: 80-90 gr.Fruit shape: large elongated.20-24cm long x 3-4cm wide.Color: light green to red when ripe.Resistant to TM, L2.Suitable for net house in summer and greenhouse in winter.
Hybrid F1, Sweet pepper.
Plant, is early in maturity, harvest 60 days from transplanting.Fruit weight:90-110gr. Fruit shape: large elongated.16-22cm long x 4-5cm wide.Color: green to red when ripe. Resistant to TM, L2.Suitable for net house on summer and greenhouse on winter.
Hybrid F1 Blocky type.
Small plants with very large leaves, which protects the fruit from sunburn, earlymedium in maturity, harvest 50 days from transplanting. Resistant to TMV. Can be harvested 50 days from transplanting. Fruit has Bell shape with very thick walls and mostly 3-4 lobs. Its green color turns into a beautiful yellow when matures. Fruit weight 180-200 gr. Very good for shipping.
