Plant is early-medium in maturity and
can be harvested 50 days from planting.
Tolerant to TMV.
Fruit shape: bell shaped with thick walls
and mostly 3-4 lobes.
Fruit weights 200-220 gr and has green
color that turns red at maturity.
Sweet Pepper
Hybrid F1 Lamuyo type..
Plants are late in maturity, medium tall,
resistant to TM. Can be harvested 60 days
from transplanting. Very good fruit setting
even in high temperatures. Large leaves
protect the fruit from sunburn. Adapted to
high tunnel production in winter, as well as
outdoor production in other seasons.
Fruit has large elongated shape with very
sweet and juicy flesh. Its green color turns
into red when matures.
Fruit size is 16.5 cm in length and 8 cm in
diameter and it weights 220-240 gr.
Hybrid F1 Blocky type..
Plant is early-medium in maturity and
can be harvested 50 days from planting.
Tolerant to TMV.
Fruit shape: bell shaped with thick walls
and mostly 3-4 lobes.
Fruit weights 200-220 gr and has green
color that turns red at maturity.