Hybrid tomato, suitable for greenhouse and open field cultivations as well.
Fruit shape & color: oval and deep red fruit. Weight: 140 gr. Very uniform.
Vigorous plant with short internode and early cycle, it produces fishbone patterned
clusters with 6-7 fruits. Due to its great flavour and thick flesh, suitable for tomato
puree yield. Indicated for single fruit or cluster harvest showing red color at full
ripening. Resistances: High resistance to Vd, FOL 1,2, ToMV, Pto.
Intermediate resistance to nematodes and TSWV.
Tomato - Determinate Type
Semi-determinate hybrid tomato
Fruit weight: 90-110 gr.
Shape: oval. Fruit color: red and uniform green shoulder.
Very high yielding, very strong vigor, suitable for Bacterial Wilt affected soil.
First picking is 60-65 days after transplanting.
Resistances: IR to TYLCV, BW and VF (HR).
Semi-determinate hybrid tomato
Fruit color: red and shoulder is uniform green.
Weight: 110-120 gr. Size and shape: Medium maturity round shape tomato.
Fruit has long shelf life, very strong vigor, and good firmness.
Can be harvested in 60-65 days after transplanting.
Resistances: (IR) TYLCV and (HR) VFF.
Hybrid F1, Roma Tomato
Plant type determinate, medium.Fruit
weight 140-170 gr.Fruit shape: cylindricalconical.
Disease resistance: V, F1, F2,
F3,Nematode.Suitable for all seasons,
superb taste.Suitable for fresh market and
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Tall plant, Medium maturity.
Deep oblate shaped fruit is brilliant red,
very firm and it weights 140-220 gr.
Shelf life is very long with outstanding color
and firmness.
Resistant: V, F1, F2, Tolerance,
Semi determinate tomato for staking in open field
Smooth medium size fruit (65-75 mm). Long shelf life.
Weight: 160-180 gr. Brix: 4-5. Shape: round.
Resistances: Vd, Fol:0, ToMV, TYLCV.
Hybrid F1, Roma Tomato.
Plant type determinate, medium.Fruit
weight: 120-160 gr.Fruit shape: cylindricalconical,
uniform green color.Disease
resistance: V, F1, F2,Nematode.Suitable for
all seasons, superb taste.Suitable for fresh
market and industry,high quality.
Roma saladette type
Semi / determinate type, strong and vigorous plant, productive, good shelf life.
Fruit color: red.
Weight: 160-190 gr.
Resistances: TYLCV, TMV, VE, F1, F2, F3, TSWV.
Round tomato for cluster F.1
Nice color, firm fruit. Fruit weight: 150-170 gr.
Resistances: V, F1, F2, N, TMV, TYLCV.
Regular tomato
Determinate type, vigorous plant, productive, good shelf life.
Fruit color: red. Weight: 180-200 gr. Resistances: TYLCV, TMV, NE, VE, F2.
tomato for out door production.
Tall plant, Medium maturity.
Deep oblate shaped fruit is brilliant red,
very firm and it weights 140-220 gr.
Shelf life is very long with outstanding color
and firmness.
Resistant: F1, F2, Ve, TMV, Ne, TYLCV
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Medium, Uniform green.
Fruit shape is Cylindrical - conical and
weights 90-120 gr.
Suitable for all seasons, tasty.
Resistant: V, F1, F2, TMV.
Hybrid F1, Round Tomato
Plant type determinate.Fruit weight: 140-
180 gr.Fruit shape globe, red color Disease
resistance V, F1, F2,TMV, TYLCV,TSWV.
Fruit is very firm and has a very long shelf
Hybrid F1, Round Tomato
Plant type determinate,plants are tall.
Relative maturity medium-late Fruit weight:
180-250 gr. Fruit shape: globe, red color.
Disease resistance: V, F1, F2,TMV, TYLCV
Fruit is very firm and has a very long shelf
Determinate outdoor tomato
Round flatted shape. Size: 180-200 gr.
Resistances: TYLCV, TSWV, TMV, NE, VE, F2.
Strong plant, medium maturity.
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Tall plant, Medium late maturity.
Globe shaped fruit is brilliant red, very firm
and it weights 160-260 gr.
Shelf life is very long with outstanding color
and firmness.
Resistant: V, F1, F2, TMV, N.
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Medium, Uniform green.
Fruit shape is Cylindrical - Short and weights
90-130 gr.
Suitable for all seasons, tasty.
Resistant: V, F1, F2, TMV.
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Fruit weight:160-220gr ,Fruit
shape:Round shape,Color type:red
color,Features:long shelf life,Disease
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Relative maturity:Early,Fruit shape:round
and no shoulders,Fruit weight:180-
220gr,Disease resistance:TY,N,TMV,F2,V.
Features:fruit is very firm and has very long
shelf life.
Determinate hybrid F1 tomato for out door production.
Relative maturity:Early,Fruit
shape:Round no shoulders,Fruit
Weight :170-190gr,Disease
resistance:TY,N,TMV,F2,V. Features:Fruit is
very firm and has very long shelf life.
Roma saladette type
Semi/ determinate type, strong and vigorous plant. Productive, good shelf life.
Fruit color: red. Weight: 160-190 gr. Resistances: TSWV, TMV.